Happy Christmas Eve! Here is the last window in this Forrest Yoga advent calendar. Hope you’ve enjoyed it!

We’re going to end the way we began, with this great 10 minute practice from Finlay Wilson.

Huge, huge thanks to Finlay, Greg Jamiel, Lisa Day, Willow Ryan and Jambo Truong for posting fab Forrest Yoga videos on YouTube! If you haven’t already, you should check out their other online classes, or go to a class with them next time you’re in their part of the world!

If you’re doing it without the video, do each pose for five to eight breaths (or five to eight breaths on each side, if it’s asymmetrical). Do five to eight rounds of abs.

If you don’t have a roll, you can make one by rolling up a mat, towel or cushion.

Never stretch into pain. Take care of your body. If you’re pregnant then skip the abs exercise and don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right.

  1. Take three deep breaths, focussing on the sensation of breathing.

  2. Gentle stretches: Side bend and neck release. Cross legged/half lotus twist

  3. Abs exercise: Abs with a roll

  4. Something zingy: Bridge

  5. Final relaxation: Lie on your back in a warm place for at least a minute and let tension drain from your body